القائمة الرئيسية


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آخر الشروحات

اعلان اعلا المواضيع

Expressing certainty and uncertainty

Expressing certainty and uncertainty 

التعبير عن الشك   Expressing uncertainty

الهدف من هذا الدرس هو كيفية التعبير عن الشك والتأكد, وينقسم الدرس لمحورين أساسين وهما كالتالي : 
التعبير عن التأكد     Expressing certainty
التعبير عن الشك   Expressing uncertainty

Expressing certainty

I am sure that..
I am sure about that.
No one can deny that...
It’s crystal clear that...

 أنا متأكد من أن ...
أنا متأكد من ذلك.
لا أحد يستطيع أن ينكر أن...
من الواضح أن ...

Expressing uncertainty

I am not sure that..
I doubt it that.
It’s unlikely that...
I am not certain that...
Maybe / perhaps
It’s possible that..

أنا لست متأكدا من أن....
أشك في ذلك.
من غير المرجح أن....
أنا لست متأكدا من....
ربما / ربما.
من الممكن أن ...

Exercise 1
 Complete the following dialogue
 A - Ahmed : Do you think that Sara will pass the exam ?
    You : (express certainty ) ________________
 B - Salma : Do you think that the exam will be easy ?
    You : ( express uncertainty ) ______________
 C - khalid : Will you go to France to continue your higher education ?
     You : ( express uncertainty ) ______________
D - Ahmed : Do you think there will be a third world war ?
    You ( (express uncertainty )_____________
E - Salma :  Do you think you will return to Morocco after you finish your studies abroad ?
     You : ( express certainty )_______________
F - khalid : Do you think Morocco will win the world cup of 2022 ?
     You : ( express uncertainty )____________

Exercise 2

Complete the following dialogue by using the expressions below

I doubt it  / Yes, I am sure / I am not sure about that / it goes without saying

Khalid : Ali is a hardworking student.
Sara : _______that he will have a good grade. (certainty)
Ahmed : I strongly believe that our local football team will win the match.
Fouad : With their actual level, __________. (uncertainty)
Zineb : Do you think that Hillary Clinton will be the president of the USA ?
Hiba : _________. (uncertainty)
Zineb : Well, _______that she will win the elections. (certainty)

ملخص الدرس [ قم بتحميل الصور على هاتفك ]

Expressing certainty and unertainty


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